• ROC College is a community-based further education provider in south west England. Via ‘learning hubs’ such as cafés, shops, farms, offices and radio studios, we build personalized learning programmes to help people transition into adulthood. Read more
  • URTEC offers training, health and wellbeing and community services in the York area. They also teach media skills with hands-on experiences. Read more
  • Supported Employment are also run in Manchester, Bradford and Newcastle, and helps people with disabilities and autism in the process to apply for and thrive in work.

The statistics about job seekers with learning disabilities or autism are heart breaking – only 3.8% of people with learning disabilities are employed, yet around 80% of them would love to have a job. It is a real challenge to find an employer willing to give them the first step on the ladder, and I’m proud to be a part of solving that problem.

Danielle, job coach tutor, Bodmin

People who take on these roles will often have education or careers coaching backgrounds, but we also value the skills brought by people with a background in enterprise and business, creative arts, catering or personal finance.